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KuduRiver Gundogs

KuduRiver Gundogs needed to establish their brand values from which they could build a strong visual identity and tagline to anchor themselves as a leader in their field of truly British bespoke shooting weekends with a strong commitment to excellence.

IGNITE were asked for help in helping KuduRiver Gundogs stand out from a sea of competition in the world of shooting weekends.

We held a strategy session and worked with owner Jake Woolf to get to grips with what he held dear to his business in order to identify his brand values.

We wanted to build a unique personality and visual identity for this business which would speak to its principled 'field to fork' ethics and sustainability whilst providing unforgettable shooting experiences that capture the essence of family unity and rural tradition.

IGNITE helped strategise, create, develop and implement their brand by:

  • identifying their brand values

  • coming up with a tagline which would capture the essence of their company ethos.

  • building a strong visual identity by creating a suite of logo variants and deciding upon a suitable colour palette, font and imagery style

  • creating a new website incorporating experience and event booking functionality and writing the required copy.

KuduRiver Gundogs launched their website in May 2024.


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